
Keywords for Internet search:

human resource management, employment, training, evaluation


Course Objectives / Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the course students will:

·     Familiarize themselves with the basic principles, concepts and tools of management.

·     Develop the necessary skills / competencies to effectively and efficiently manage the human resources of the supervising educational organizations.

·  Know the parameters that are directly related to the development and utilization of human resources in education (training, animation, promotion of communication, successful integration of new teachers in the educational organization, etc.) 

Course content: 


  1. The historical evolution of the role of human resource management in education.
  2. The nature of human resource management.
  3. The basic functions of human resource management in education.
  4. The operation of the staff
  5. The function of training and development of human resources
  6. The function of motivation and professional development of human resources
  7. The function of human resource evaluation
  8. The function of communication in the educational organization
  9. Employment relations in the context of human resource management
  10. Special issues of health and safety of staff in educational organizations: working conditions, stress and burnout.


Course description


The human factor is the key factor that affects the performance and effectiveness of an organism. Therefore, the manager of an organization is responsible for the management of the human factor of the organization, ie the selection, adaptation, development, motivation and the best possible utilization of its human resources in order to achieve in the most productive way the its objectives.

Modern social components push the search for the best way to manage human resources in education in an effort to identify errors and weaknesses of past practices and to formulate ideas and proposals for a more rational management of the human factor in education.

This course aims to provide a comprehensive knowledge on issues related to human resource management in an organization and especially in an educational organization. 


Greek language bibliography:

Ανθοπούλου, ΣΣ (1999α). Διαχείριση Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού. Στο Αθανασοπούλου- Ρέππα, Α., Ανθοπούλου ΣΣ, Κατουλάκης, Σ Μαυρόγιωργoς, Γ (Επιμ.) Διοίκηση Εκπαιδευτικών μονάδων: Διοίκηση Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού. σ. 17-92. Pάτρα: ΕΑΠ.

Βαξεβανίδου, Μ. & Ρεκλείτης, Π. (2008). Management Ανθρωπίνων Πόρων. Εκδόσεις Προπομπός

Dessler G. (2012). Διαχείριση ανθρώπινου δυναμικού   . Ελλάδα: Κριτική

Gomez L.R. -Mejia et al. (2015). Διοίκηση Ανθρώπινων Πόρων, Κύπρος: Broken Hill        

Ξυροτύρη- Κουφίδου, Στ. (1997.) Διοίκηση Ανθρωπίνων Πόρων


Foreign language bibliography:

FletcherC. & WilliamsR. (1996). Performance Management, job satisfaction and organizational commitment. British Journal of Management, 7, pp 169-179.

Fletcher, S. (2000). Mentoring in Schools. A handbook of Good Practice. London: kogan Page.

Flynn, N. (2007, fifth edition). Public Sector management. Sage Publications.

Jackson, S. & Schuler, R. (2008). Managing Human Resources. South Western Publishing.

Freudenberger. H.J. (1974). Staff burn –out. Journal of social Issuues, 30, pp.159-265.

Werner, J.N. & DeSimone R. L. (2008). Human Resource Development. South Western Publishing.

Bush, T. & Middlewood, D. (2005). Leading and managing people in education. Paul Chapman Publishing.