  1. Σκεπετάρη, Μ., Καρανικόλα, Ζ. (2025). Η διαχείριση κρίσεων στις σχολικές μονάδες πρωτοβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης. Στο Γ. Παναγιωτόπουλος (Επιμ.), Ηγεσία στην Εκπαίδευση: Εξερευνώντας τις Προκλήσεις της Σχολικής Διοίκησης. Εκδόσεις Γρηγόρης. (υπό δημοσίευση).
  2. Filia V., Mitropoulos P. (2024). V. Filia, P. Mitropoulos (2024). Total quality management in higher education: A two-level assessment. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues (ICCMI), July 10-12, Heraklion, Greece:1-7. Online ISSN: 3057-4234, DOI: https://doi.org/10.12681/iccmi.7600
  3. Τζαγάκης, Ι., Παναγιωτόπουλος Γ. (2024). Κοινωνική δικαιοσύνη και Ηγεσία στην Εκπαίδευση: Ο ρόλος του Διευθυντή της Σχολικής Μονάδας στην προώθηση της συμμετοχής-δέσμευσης και της ευημερίας των μαθητών & των εκπαιδευτικών και της ποιότητας της διδασκαλίας και μάθησης. Στο Γ. Παναγιωτόπουλος (Επιμ.), Ανθρώπινο Δυναμικό. Ειδικά ζητήματα και Σύγχρονες προσεγγίσεις στην Εκπαίδευση (σελ. 22- 30). Αθήνα: Γρηγόρης. ISBN: 978-960-612-516-4.
  4. G Kalogeratos, K Gkekas, C Tseremegklis, E Anastasopoulou, ... C Pierrakeas
  5. Ζέγλη Ε., Παναγιωτόπουλος, Γ. (2024). Τα χαρακτηριστικά του Μέντορα για τη διαχείριση της διαφορετικότητας στις σχολικές μονάδες και την προώθηση της συμπερίληψης: Οι απόψεις των εκπαιδευτικών Πρωτοβάθμιας Εκπαίδευσης του Ν. Ηλείας. 1ο Διεθνές Συνέδριο ΔΙ.ΠΕ. Άρτας, «Καινοτομία, Εκπαίδευση & Δια Βίου μάθηση στον 21ο αι.», 15 & 16/3/2024. Τόμος Β., 28-42
  6. Mitropoulos P., Mitropoulos A. Vlami A. (2023). Factors affecting high-quality entrepreneurial performance in small and medium-sized family firms. Journal of Family Business Management 14 (5): 974-996 (Emerald, IF: 2.7, ABS: 1)
  7. Mitropoulos P., Mitropoulos A. (2023). Evaluating efficiency and technology gaps of the national systems of entrepreneurship using stochastic DEA and club convergence. Operational Research 23(1). 1-28 (Springer, IF: 2.7, ABS: 1)
  8. TA Sofias, CJ Pierrakeas “Student engagement and educational benefits of web GIS-based projects” International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies …, 2023
  9. Mitropoulos I., Mourgelas D. Mourgelas Ch. (2023). Emotional intelligence and educational leadership. The opinions of the primary education teachers of Achaia. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues (ICCMI), July 12-14, Corfu, Greece: 261-265. ISBN: 978-960-243-740-7
  10. Mitropoulos P., Stamati S. (2023). Factors influencing the under-representation of women in leadership positions in the secondary education sector. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues (ICCMI), July 12-14, Corfu, Greece: 185-188. ISBN: 978-960-243-740-7
  11. Mitropoulos P., Mitropoulos A. (2022). Productivity growth and technology gaps of the national systems of entrepreneurship: is there a convergence pattern between efficiency-driven and innovation-driven countries? International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management 19(5): 2241005, 1-16 (World Scientific, IF: 1.8, ABS: 1)
  12. Mitropoulos P., Tripotseris K., Mitropoulos I. (2022). The influence of soft total quality management practices on teachers’ job satisfaction. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues (ICCMI), July 8-10, Naxos, Greece: 185-188
  13. Vrontou, V., Karanikola, Z., Panagiotopoulos, G. (2022). Teachers’ Attitudes towards the International Organizations’ Priorities and Directions for their Professional Competence. Andragogical Studies, 11, pp. 9-26. ISSN 0354–5415. doi: 10.5937/AndStud2202009V
  14. Βαγγελάτου, Α., Καρανικόλα, Ζ., Παναγιωτόπουλος, Γ. (2022). Η συναισθηματική νοημοσύνη των εκπαιδευτικών και η επίδραση της στην απόδοση των μαθητών. 8ο Διεθνές Συνέδριο για την Προώθηση της Εκπαιδευτικής Εκπαιδευτικής Καινοτομίας, Λάρισα 14-16 Οκτωβρίου 2022. SET: 978‐618‐5562‐10‐6, ISBN: 978‐618‐5562‐10‐6, σ. 489-497.
  15. H. Antonopoulou, C. Halkiopoulos, E. Gkintoni, A. Katsibelis. 2022
    Application of Gamification Tools for Identification of Neurocognitive and Social Functions in Distance Learning Education
    International Journal, Teaching ant Educational Research 21(5) 2022
  16. Καρανικόλα, Ζ., Τάχα Ουρανία, Παναγιωτόπουλος Γ. (2022). Επάρκεια εκπαιδευτικών σχετικά με την εφαρμογή της εξ αποστάσεως εκπαίδευσης στη διάρκεια της πανδημίας. International Journal of Educational Innovation, 4(3), σ. 56-65. ISSN: 2654-0002.
  17. Polydorou, V., Karanikola, Z., Panagiotopoulos, G. (2021). The skills of the students and the teachers in the 21st century according to the international discourse. International Journal of Learning and Development, 11(2), pp. 17-31, Macrothink Institute ISSN 2164-4063. doi:10.5296/ijld.v11i2.18317
  18. T Sofias, C Pierrakeas
    Effectiveness of a WebGIS-Based Project on Students’ Spatial Habits Of Mind Self-Assessment 15th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Seville …, 2021
  19. T Sofias, C Pierrakeas Effectiveness of a WebGIS-Based Project on Students’ Attitude Towards Technology Self-Assessment 15th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Seville …, 2021
  20. TA Sofias, CJ Pierrakeas Effectiveness of a WebGIS-based project on high school students' spatial thinking skills. First Workshop on Technology Enhanced Learning Environments for Blended …, 2021
  21. Αλεξανδροπούλου, Δ., Καρανικόλα, Ζ., Παναγιωτόπουλος, Γ. (2021). Λεκτική - μη λεκτική επικοινωνία εκπαιδευτή - εκπαιδευομένων στην εκπαίδευση ενηλίκων: η περίπτωση των ΙΕΚ». International Journal of Educational Innovation. IJEI ‐ 3(2), σ. 53-64. ISSN: 2654-0002
  22. Αλεξανδροπούλου, Δ., Καρανικόλα, Ζ. & Παναγιωτόπουλος Γ. (2020). Λεκτική - Μη λεκτική Επικοινωνία Εκπαιδευτή - Εκπαιδευομένων στην εκπαίδευση ενηλίκων: H περίπτωση των ΙΕΚ. 3rd ICOMEU, Preparing for new realities in education: opportunities and challenges”. ICOMEU Book of Abstracts, pp.96-97.
  23. Zogopoulos, C. & Karanikola, Z. (2020). The effect of demographic characteristics on the self-efficacy of preschool education teachers. 3rd ICOMEU, Preparing for new realities in education: opportunities and challenges”. ICOMEU Book of Abstracts, pp. 100-102.
  24. Kαρανικόλα, Ζ. Ζαραβίνας, Μ., Παναγιωτόπουλος, Γ. (2020). «Οι Ψηφιακές Δεξιότητες στην Εκπαίδευση Ενηλίκων σύμφωνα με το: «Νέο Θεματολόγιο Δεξιοτήτων για την Ευρώπη». International Journal of Educational Innovation, 2 (1), σ. 158-166. ISSN: 2654-0002. https://journal.eepek.gr/manuscript/oi-psifiakes-dexiotites-stin-ekpaideysi-enilikon-symfona-me-to-neo-thematologio-dexiotiton-gia-tin-eyropi-swd-2016-195-final
  25. Καρανικόλα, Ζ. Κουτσοπούλου, Χρ. Παναγιωτόπουλος, Γ. (2021). Παράγοντες εργασιακής ικανοποίησης: η περίπτωση του πρώην ΤΕΙ Δυτικής Ελλάδας.» International Journal of Educational Innovation, ISSN: 2654-0002, 3(1), σ. 63-72. https://journal.eepek.gr/issue/vol-3-issue-1-2021
  26. Παναγιωτόπουλος Γεώργιος, Περτέση Αικατερίνη, Καρανικόλα Ζωή (2019). Εκπαίδευση Ενηλίκων και Διεθνείς Οργανισμοί (UNESCO): Σύγχρονες Πολιτικές και Στρατηγικές. Στο: ΑΝΑΠΤΥΞΗ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΟΥ ΔΥΝΑΜΙΚΟΥ. ΕΠΙΜΟΡΦΩΣΗ ΚΑΙ ΔΙΕΘΝΕΙΣ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΕΣ. Επιστημονική Επιμέλεια Ανδρεαδάκης Ν., Καρανικόλα Ζ., Κόνσολας Μ.,
  27. Panagiotopoulos, G., Klideris, P, Karanikola, Z. (2019). Professional Development and Empowerment of Primary School Teachers. European Journal of Training and Development Studies (EJTDS), 6(4), pp.9-19. Print ISSN: ISSN 2057-5238, Online ISSN: ISSN 2057-5246
  28. Παναγιωτόπουλος, Γ., Καρανικόλα, Ζ., Κίμογλου, Ν. (2019). Διάθεση ανάληψης διευθυντικής θέσης σε δημοτικά σχολεία: κίνητρα-αντικίνητρα. «Εκπαίδευση-Πολιτισμός-Καινοτομία σε Σταυροδρόμι- H Πορεία προς τα Εμπρός» (2nd International Congress on Management of Educational Units "Education- Civilization- Innovation at crossroads - The way ahead”. Θεσσαλονίκη, 29 Νοεμβρίου - 1 Δεκεμβρίου 2019. Δημοσιευμένο στα Πρακτικά του Συνεδρίου, (2019), σ.314-321, ISBN: 978-618-80440-8-1.
  29. I Papantoni, C Pierrakeas, K Dragogiannis Training Effectiveness and User Experience of Education Teacher Training of an Open Source LMS Using this LMS 11th Annual International Conference on Education and New Learning …,0219
  30. I Papantoni, C Pierrakeas, K Dragogiannis Lesson Learned from Design, Development and Large Scale Implementation of Education Teacher Training of an Open Source LMS Using this LMS 11th Annual International Conference on Education and New Learning …, 2019
  31. Karanikola, Z., Zogopoulos, K., Panagiotopoulos, G. (2019) How could leadership contribute to the transformation of a school unit into a learning organization? International Journal of Education, Learning and Development, 7(4), pp.1-15. European Centre for Research Training and Development UK. Print ISSN: ISSN 2054-6297, Online ISSN: ISSN 2054-6300.
  32. Mitropoulos P., Douvas K. (2019). Quality management in primary schools: A self-evaluation approach using the common assessment framework. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues (ICCMI), July 10-12, Heraklion, Greece: 233-235
  33. Mitropoulos P., Kourkouta V., Christopoulos K. (2019). Desires and perceptions of primary school teachers about Leadership. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium & 30th National Conference on Operational Research, May 17-19 Patras, Greece: 147-150. ISBN: 978-618-80361-8-5
  34. Kalavrouzioti M. Mitropoulos I. (2019). Assessing the educational task as a job satisfaction factor amongst secondary teachers. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium & 30th National Conference on Operational Research, May 17-19 Patras, Greece: 151-155. ISBN: 978-618-80361-8-5
  35. Pavlochristou M. Mitropoulos (2019). Programming in education: Developing collaborative teaching practices. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium & 30th National Conference on Operational Research, May 17-19 Patras, Greece: 156-159. ISBN: 978-618-80361-8-5
  36. Karampelas P. Mitropoulos I. (2019). Quality of Education and Economic Development in the EU. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium & 30th National Conference on Operational Research, May 17-19 Patras, Greece: 164-167. ISBN: 978-618-80361-8-5
  37. Drongitis A. Mitropoulos (2019). Legislative Reforms in Experimental Schools and their Reversals. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium & 30th National Conference on Operational Research, May 17-19 Patras, Greece: 168-172. ISBN: 978-618-80361-8-5
  38. Antonopoulou, H., Ioannou, Ch., Karanikola, Z., Panagiotopoulos, G. (2018). Headmasters of Secondary Education and Professional Burnout. International Journal of Development Studies. European Journal of Training and Development Studies, 5(4), pp.57-72. ISSN 2057-5238(print), ISSN 2057-5246 (Online).
  39. Παναγιωτόπουλος, Γ., Καπώνης, Α., Καρανικόλα, Ζ. (2018). «Εκπαιδευτικές αλλαγές και εργασιακή ικανοποίηση». 1st International Conference on Management of Educational Units “In search of excellence with equity for Tomorrow’s Education”, Thessaloniki, Ioannis Vellidis’ Congress Center, 6-9/12/2018. Conference Proceedings, E., Christou (Ed.), ATEI of Thessaloniki, Greece, Department of Business Administration, Program of Postgraduate Studies in Management and Organization of Educational Units, pp.245-252. ISBN: 978-960-287-162-1.
  40. Μητρόπουλος, Ι., Κόκιου, Μ., Καρανικόλα, Ζ. (2018). Η συμβολή των επιμορφωτικών προγραμμάτων στην επαγγελματική ανάπτυξη και εξέλιξη των εκπαιδευτικών. Διερεύνηση των απόψεων των εκπαιδευτικών του Νομού Αιτωλοακαρνανίας. 1st International Conference on Management of Educational Units “In search of excellence with equity for Tomorrow’s Education”, Thessaloniki, Ioannis Vellidis’ Congress Center, 6-9/12/2018. Conference Proceedings, E., Christou (Ed.),ATEI of Thessaloniki, Greece, Department of Business Administration, Program of Postgraduate Studies in Management and Organization of Educational Units, pp.636-643. ISBN: 978-960-287-162-1.
  41. Μητρόπουλος, Ι., Μπαντούνα, Μ., Καρανικόλα, Ζ. (2018). Επίπεδο επαγγελματικής εξουθένωσης Διευθυντών σχολικών μονάδων Δευτεροβάθμιας Εκπαίδευσης Ηλείας. 1st International Conference on Management of Educational Units “In search of excellence with equity for Tomorrow’s Education”, Thessaloniki, Ioannis Vellidis’ Congress Center, 6-9/12/2018. Conference Proceedings, E., Christou (Ed.),ATEI of Thessaloniki, Greece, Department of Business Administration, Program of Postgraduate Studies in Management and Organization of Educational Units, pp.628-635. ISBN: 978-960-287-162-1.
  42. Μητρόπουλος, Ι., Κουρκούτα, Β., Καρανικόλα, Ζ. (2018). Η Ηγεσία στην Πρωτοβάθμια Εκπαίδευση. Οι αντιλήψεις των Εκπαιδευτικών Δημοτικών Σχολείων Νομού Αχαΐας. 1st International Conference on Management of Educational Units “In search of excellence with equity for Tomorrow’s Education”, Thessaloniki, Ioannis Vellidis’ Congress Center, 6-9/12/2018. Conference Proceedings, E., Christou (Ed.),ATEI of Thessaloniki, Greece,Department of Business Administration, Program of Postgraduate Studies in Management andOrganization of Educational Units, pp.668-675. ISBN: 978-960-287-162-1.
  43. Panagiotopoulos, G., Pertesi, K., Karanikola, Z. (2018). Adult Education and International Organizations (UNESCO): Contemporary Policies and Strategies. International Journal of Learning and Development, Macrothink Institute, 8 (3), pp. 126-139. ISSN 2164-4063.
  44. Karanikola, Z., Stergiou, M, Panagiotopoulos, G. (2018). Teachers’ Perceptions about Effective School Administration. How do they Correlate with the Level of Teacher Education. International Journal of Education, Learning and Development, 6 (1), pp. 67-77. Print ISSN: 2054-6297(Print), Online ISSN: 2054-6300(Online).
  45. Panagiotopoulos, G, Zogopoulos, C., Karanikola, Z. (2018). The Learning organization according to Senge: Recording and validation of the Park research tool in primary schools in the prefecture of Ilia. Global Journal of Human Resource Management, 6 (5), pp. 1-19. Print ISSN: 2053-5686(Print), Online ISSN: 2053-5694(Online).
  46. Karanikola, Z., Alexopoulou, K., Panagiotopoulos, G. (2018). Skills and Emotional Intelligence: Study and Investigation of the International Organization of the OECD. International Journal of Education, Learning and Development, 6 (11), pp. 78-86. Print ISSN: 2054-6297(Print), Online ISSN: 2054- 6300 (Online).
  47. Karanikola, Z., Kousavelos, N., Panagiotopoulos, G. (2018). The contribution of education staff training to crisis management among teachers. A case study of the prefecture of Ilias. British Journal of Education, 6 (10), pp. 15-23. Print ISSN: 2054-6351, Online ISN: 2054-636X.
  48. Panagiotopoulos, G., Petta, E., Karanikola, Z. (2018). The contribution of motivation to job satisfaction: A survey of Technological Educational Institute Employees of Western Greece, European Journal of Training and Development Studies, 5 (3), pp. 18-26, European Centre for Research Training and Development UK. ISSN 2057-5238 (Print), ISSN 2057-5246 (Online).
  49. Antonopoulou, H., Mihalakea, T., Karanikola, Z. and Panagiotopoulos, G. (2018). The role of Information Systems in the process of motivation. A Case study: Administrative services of the Technological Educational Institute of Western Greece, International Journal of Management Technology, 5 (3), pp. 1-8, European Centre for Research Training and Development UK. ISSN 2055-0847 (Print), ISSN 2055-0855 (Online).
  50. Αntonopoulou, H., Ioannou, Ch., Karanikola, Z. and Panagiotopoulos, G. (2018). Headmasters of Secondary Education and Professional Burnout. International Journal of Development Studies. European Journal of Training and Development Studies Vol.5 No.4, pp.57-72, October 2018.